What Do Footballers Wear to Prevent Injury

What Do Footballers Wear to Prevent Injury?

by Adam Essa

Football is one of the most popular played games. However, Football is a high-contact and high-energy sport. The repetitive nature and high impact of the sport can leave players with a variety of different football injuries. If you play football or if you have a child who plays football, it’s important to know how to recognize some of the injuries that may occur while playing and how to prevent them to minimize lasting damage before seeing a medical professional.

Football holds a great demand from a player regarding the physical abilities, and injuries can often occur as a result. That’s why Protective equipment is necessary for the player’s long-term fitness and safety, as well as for their sports activity.

Football injuries that commonly occur

Injuries occur during football games and practice due to the combination of high speeds and full contact. Football players are susceptible to injury anywhere along their bodies that may either bring an opponent to the ground or avoid being taken to the ground.

The most common football injuries are bruising, sprains, strains, fractures, and dislocations. If you play football, it’s important for you to understand how to identify some of the injuries that can occur whilst playing. And also, how to cure them so that you might be able to avoid long-term damage. The major causes of injuries are player contact, falls and slips.

Warm Up Before Playing Football

Warm-up is necessary for preparing your body for the challenges of the game and to limit the chance of injury. It relaxes your muscles and makes your body more flexible. It also improves your capabilities by ensuring that your body temperature is properly controlled. You should also stretch for at least 5- 10 minutes before starting your game.

The warm-up’s goal is to enhance blood circulation to the muscles in order to satisfy the adequate oxygen requirement. As a result of the activity, the temperature of the body rises, which aids electrical and chemical reactions in the muscle. So, the resistance in muscles and joints is reduced and you can perform better.

Why Football Safety Equipment is important?

Protective equipment is one of the most important factors in reducing the risk of injury in football. The use of appropriate equipment allows you to concentrate on the game rather than worrying about unexpected injuries. Whatever sports you participate in, protecting yourself from possible risks should be a top most priority in the game. When participating in the game, protective gears such as helmets, knee pads, mouthguards, and other items should be used properly. This will help you to concentrate and enjoy the game.

Football Injury Preventions

While training in season and off-season game, always take a gap of at least one day. Avoid overtraining while preparing because it might cause overuse injuries.

Muscles that are cold and weak are highly prone to injury. Warm up your muscles with some mild exercise and then prepare your body for the workout. At the end of every practice and game, take time to cool down your body to release muscle tension and this will aid to prevent pain and injury.

If you constantly suffer from an injury, whether it’s a severe injury or an overuse injury. Then Football supports and braces help you to recover from it. But if you continuously playing and ignoring your chronic pains, it might get worse more than you think.

Lower Limb Injuries and their Prevention

Most football injuries occur in the lower limbs, specially thigh, knee and ankles get injured easily whilst playing. Here are some Lower Limb injuries a footballer can suffer and how to appropriately prevent them.

Knee injury

Knee injuries are one of the most severe injuries a person may suffer. You know how difficult it can be to move, whether you’ve recently suffered an injury or have been suffering from chronic one. When a knee is violently twisted or sharply bent while playing, the muscles that hold the knee together might tear, resulting in injury. To prevent from these knee injuries, wear a knee brace which will help speed up the healing process and prevent further joint damage.

Ankle Injury

Whenever the ankle is twisted beyond its normal position, results in an ankle injury. The majority of ankle injuries happen while participating in sports activities. You’ve probably noticed or heard that ankle injuries are an unavoidable part of football training and competition. If you’re a football player, you already know how worst the ankle pain is. There are different ankle supports for different problems. They’re all designed for people who want to prevent ankle injuries or already suffering from one.

Thigh Injury

A muscle pulls or tear around thigh is a common thigh injury, particularly among football players. A hamstring strain (thigh injury) is more likely to occur when participate in games or practice that requires a lot of running and jumping. It would be great to wear thigh Sleeves and supports which provide a combination of comfort and protection. Thigh compression brace can be worn daily under or over clothing.


The major reason for wearing appropriate equipment when participating in game is that you are able to perform at your best without worrying about muscle safety. Therefore, having the right sports equipment is essential. Many sports-related injuries can be prevented if the proper safety gear is worn. Make an investment in your safety and ensure that you are fully protected when participating in sports or in games. From this, you can have fun while avoiding many of the risks associated with football games. You always require support to protect the affected body part once you’ve got an injury.

This can include extra support and safety as well, such as modified shoes, tape, sports brace, as well as greater cushioning to guard against a direct strike. 360 Relief has a large variety of braces and supports (Knee supports, Ankle supports, Thigh supports) that help you to stay safe and active in your sports activity. If you have pain or swelling in your lower limb (legs, knees, ankles), the compression provided by these supports and braces will aid to reduce the discomfort and inflammation.

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